405 Bagshaw Way
Edgewood, FL 32809
Phone Number
Phone: (407) 851-2920
Fax: (407) 851-7361
The pre-application meeting is an informal exchange between the applicant and the City of Edgewood staff regarding potential development plans. The purpose of this meeting is to help the applicant determine the next steps in their development proposal and allows staff to identify potential project issues and suggest improvements. This process aims to expedite the approval process and avoid future costly plan revisions.
However, it is important to note that the information provided by the City of Edgewood during the pre-application meeting does not constitute a waiver of any requirements in the City's Land Development Code, nor does it represent any final staff recommendation.
Discussion topics during the pre-application meeting will focus on:
The document also clarifies that completing a Pre-Application Meeting does not guarantee any form of permit, application, development approval, or rights concerning the development of the subject property.