405 Bagshaw Way
Edgewood, FL 32809
Phone Number
Phone: (407) 851-2920
Fax: (407) 851-7361
Accessory Structure Permits: An accessory structure is defined as a detached structure located on the same lot as a dwelling, serving a purpose that is secondary and related to the main residence. Common examples include garages, sheds, carports, pergolas, gazebos, decks, playhouses, above-ground gas tanks, generators, etc. All accessory structures must adhere to the City of Edgewood Code, particularly concerning setback requirements, location, and size. CLICK HERE to access the section of City Code regarding accessory structures.
The City of Edgewood has an inter-local agreement with Orange County to process most building permits and inspections. However, a zoning review by the City of Edgewood is required prior to submitting your plans to Orange County. Below is the process for an Accessory Structure permit application:
Required Documents for Review:
Application Process:
*Orange County General Permitting Requirements:
Structures 120 sq. ft. or Less: Structures 120 sq. ft. or less, that are one-story detached accessory structures to a one or two family dwelling, and that do not include mechanical, electrical, plumbing, or gas, and are used as a tool shed, storage shed, pergola, deck, gazebo, playhouse, or accessibility ramp, do not require a full building department review or engineered plans.