405 Bagshaw Way
Edgewood, FL 32809
Phone Number
Phone: (407) 851-2920
Fax: (407) 851-7361
For most projects in Edgewood, the permitting process starts with us! We've partnered with the Orange County Building Department to streamline the process, ensuring your project meets all regulations.
Step 1: Submit Your Application: Begin by electronically submitting your permit application and project plans to the City of Edgewood. We'll review them to ensure they comply with our local codes. Application fees vary depending on the project type and any required reviews by our consultants (engineers, planners, etc.).
Step 2: City Review and Approval: Our staff will review your application for completeness and adherence to City codes. If your project requires additional expertise, we'll contact you with any necessary next steps, like additional documents or consultant fees. Once everything aligns with our regulations, we'll grant zoning approval and send you a stamped and signed application.
Step 3: Orange County Permit Issuance: With our approval in hand, you can submit your application to the Orange County Building Department through their Fast Track System. They will then issue the official permit and conduct all required inspections. In some cases, the City of Edgewood's Engineering Consultant may perform a final inspection as well.
Exceptions: Sub-permits for Specialized Work: This streamlined process applies to most permits. However, sub-permits for specialized work like roof repairs, plumbing upgrades, or electrical installations may go directly to Orange County without our initial review. If you are not sure, you can always reach out to us.
Need Help? Let Us Know! If you have any questions regarding permits or the process, feel free to contact us at or call 407-851-2920.