Boat Dock Permit

Boat Dock Permit Application Process: The City of Edgewood has an inter-local agreement with Orange County for the processing of most building permits and inspections. However, prior to submitting your application to Orange County, a zoning review by the City of Edgewood is required. Please follow the steps outlined below for boat dock permit applications:

Application Process:

  1. Complete Edgewood Boat Dock Application: Fill out the City of Edgewood Boat Dock Application form.
  2. Provide Authorization Letter: Submit an agent/owner authorization letter if a contractor is representing the property owner.
  3. Submit Application and Plans: Email the completed application, authorization letter, and complete set of plans to
  4. Pay Required Fees: Submit a $350 non-refundable application fee and a $2,500 pass-through deposit* prior to review.
  5. City Zoning Review: City staff will conduct a zoning review and provide you with either required revisions or zoning approval.
  6. Public Notice: Upon Engineer approval, public notice will be mailed to neighboring property owners within 300 feet who have a legal interest in the shoreline. Property owners will have 15 days to provide written comments regarding any concerns with the proposed dock.
  7. Approval Process:
    • If no written objections are received within 15 calendar days from the date notices are sent, and the application is complete in all other aspects, it shall be deemed that property owners have given consent and have waived their right to object to the construction of the dock. The application is then approved based on the recommendation by the City Engineer.
    • If one written objection is received, or if the City Engineer believes the application should be approved by City Council, the Council will consider the application during a regularly scheduled council meeting (further details are available on the application).
  8. Orange County Submission: Upon receiving zoning approval from the City, submit your application and plans to Orange County through their Fast Track system for building permits and inspections.
  9. Zoning Hold and Finalization:
    • The City will place a zoning hold on your project.
    • This hold ensures that you provide the City with the following:
      • A final as-built survey.
      • A final City inspection.
    • Once all requirements are met, the City will lift the zoning hold, and you may schedule final building inspections with Orange County.
  10. Project Completion and Refund: Upon receiving a Certificate of Completion, please notify the City. We will finalize the project and reimburse any remaining balance in your project account.

*Understanding Pass-Through Fees: When submitting development applications to the City of Edgewood, including permanent sign applications, site plans, rezoning requests, and subdivision plats, you will be required to pay pass-through fees. These fees cover the costs of reviews and inspections conducted by our external consultants, such as engineers, planners, and attorneys.

How Pass-Through Fees Work:

  • Application and Initial Deposit:
    • A non-refundable application fee and an initial pass-through deposit are required.
    • This deposit establishes a project account for your application.
  • Consultant Reviews:
    • Our consultants will invoice the City for their time and expenses as they review your application.
    • These costs are then passed through to you, the applicant.
  • Project Account and Invoicing:
    • Your project account tracks all consultant costs.
    • The City will send you invoices for these expenses.
    • Additional deposits will be required if the initial deposit is insufficient.
  • Final Inspection and Refund:
    • A final inspection may be required, and its cost will be charged to your project account.
    • Any remaining balance in your project account will be refunded upon project completion.
  • Important Points:
    • Failure to pay invoices may result in project delays or liens on your property.
    • The City's application fee covers internal administrative costs, not consultant fees.
    • You have the right to appeal any invoice you believe is incorrect.