Budget & Finance
Message from the Mayor's Office Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Annual Budget Message The Council and city staff have worked hard over the years to keep Edgewood’s budget lean and streamlined without compromising essential services. That continues to be our goal through this year’s process as well. It is my pleasure to present a fiscally balanced budget to the City of Edgewood with no ad valorem rate (property tax) increase. The budget affirms our policy of fiscal conservatism, and the city continues to be debt-free. The City Council voted unanimously not to increase the city’s millage rate. Less than twenty-four hours before the City Council was set to determine the tentative tax rate, Orange County Fire Rescue informed Edgewood of a proposed increase in the Fire Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU) rate. This abrupt .6 millage increase announcement killed an originally planned discussion for a small tax rate cut for the residents of Edgewood. Our fire/rescue costs, including appreciation, are increasing from $900,227 to $1,325,120. The $424,000 increase is approximately 10% of Edgewood’s total revenue. For a fiscally conservative city council, this left the city wrestling to absorb a significant unforeseen financial increase. Along with three other municipalities (Belle Isle, Oakland and Eatonville), Edgewood has relied on Orange County fire services for years as a cost-effective alternative to operating its own department. Before meeting with Orange County Fire Chief Fitzgerald and Deputy Chief Rios, the four municipalities met together to discuss other possible options. The County, however, appears to be unwavering in its decision to raise the millage rate. The County offered an extended payment plan, but Edgewood Council decided against it to avoid overburdening future budgets. Please look at the website at www.Edgewood-fl.gov/cityhall/page/budget-finance and read the final budget. We value your input, which guides us toward a shared goal of keeping Edgewood the best place to live, work, and play. Sincerely, John Dowless |